No Friday Bible Study Closed Friday - No Bible Study or Youth. We will have Saturday Men's Prayer @ 7:00 am Pantry Sat. @ 10:30 am

Water Baptism

"And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on His name." Acts 22:16

Water Baptism

Being baptized in water is symbolic of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Once we have accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior, baptism is a way for us to publicly declare our new life in Christ. It is also a step of obedience based on God’s commands and allows us to follow the example of Jesus, who submitted Himself to baptism to "fulfill all righteousness."

Matthew 3:16-17

Matthew 28:18-20

Acts 2:41

Acts 8:12

Romans 6

At Glad Tidings we rejoice when people make the decision to be water baptized. Baptism services are scheduled throughout the year based on how many are coming forward. Contact us using the form below or calling the church office at 585-288-1875 and let us know you are ready for this public declaration of your decision to be a Christ-follower.

For more teaching about water baptism, the following resource is provided: Living in the Second Half of Baptism Audio Message

Living in the Second Half of Baptism

Response Form