Starting Out
We want to help you become the person God made you to be. What's your next step in that journey? We're right beside you with some tools to help.
First Steps
Attend church regularly. Worshiping and learning in community with others is one of the best ways to re-align yourself with God.
Read your Bible. God’s Word is meant to be woven throughout our lives, giving us new wisdom with each season we experience. It’s the story of His love for us since the beginning of time—something best enjoyed daily. If you do not have a Bible contact us and we would be very happy to give you one.
Pray. We have the privilege of a direct connection to the Creator of the universe. Through prayer, God addresses our deepest hopes and fears, gives us direction, and expresses His love to us. For help in developing a regular time of daily prayer, download the YouVersion Bible App ( to your tablet, smart phone or desktop.
P.S. If you recently came to faith in Jesus as your Lord and Savior, we have some free resources to help you in your new walk with God. If you would like to receive these resources, click here to let us know.
Essential Next Steps
Get Baptized. Baptism is our way of telling the world about our relationship with Christ. Jesus did it, and it’s an important way we can follow His footsteps.
Bring your family. Following Jesus is a journey that becomes even more meaningful when shared. A great way to lay the groundwork is getting your kids involved in the ministry that’s designed just for them.
Attend a Bible Study Group. Learning God's Word is essential to having a strong. solid, sound life. For this reason Glad Tidings has many Bible study opportunities from which to choose. Through Bible study many have found how to have broken relationships restored, how to have wisdom for everyday living, how to live a life pleasing to God, how to be a better parent, employee/employer, etc...
Additional Focused Steps
Build relationships. Connect with people in a Small Group, where you can make new friends, connect with people growing in the same area as you, or develop mentoring relationships.
Discover purpose. Each of us is a masterpiece, placed on earth for a unique purpose that's solely ours to fulfill.
Serve. Make a difference by serving a worthy cause, whether volunteering at Glad Tidings or changing something in your community.
Get help. Your next step may be gaining freedom from harmful influences in your life, like recovering from addiction or re-framing unhealthy relationships.
Learn and grow. Go deeper on a topic you’re passionate about with targeted teaching and resources. Listen to our audio teachings on this site or sign up for our vast On-line Video Training Library available to Glad Tiding attendees. For more information on this free resource for you and your family