Welcome to Glad Tidings Church
We Are a Community that Cares!
Our Sunday gatherings begin at 10:30 AM with Announcements, Prayer and Worship.
Our online YouTube streaming begins after worship ... normally around 11:05-11:10 am.
Lots of snow in the forecast! Be careful entering and exiting the driveway - it may be a bit slippery due to freezing and thawing snow.
- KidsZone is available for children ages 4 thru12 years.
- Nursery (3 and under) facilities are available!
- Nursery is staffed on 1st and 4th Sundays of the month.
- Parents may use the Nursery if they stay with their child the other weeks.
Looking for other groups and activities?
- Tuesday and Thursday @ prayer in the Sanctuary from Noon to 1:00PM. Doors open at 11:30 am.
- Wednesday Night Care and Share and Prayer @ 6:30 pm. Just starting a series on "Ephesians!"
- Join the Friday Bible Study @ 2:00 PM with Reverend Scott Justice as we study God's Word line-by-line
- YOUTH! meet on Friday evenings @ 6:30 PM (you can arrive any time after 6:00PM); except the 4th Friday of each month - stay tuned for special announcements from Joshua and Jesselle.
- Men, Remember "Men's Prayer" - the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month at the church starting at 7:00 AM! see: https://gtfamily.org/mens-min-001
- Interested in joining GTC as a voting member? Come to "Exploring Membership" Saturday February 15th at 10:30 am.
Watch your email for weekly BULLETINS! Not on our email list? Fill out a Contact Card next time you are at church and give to the Hospitality Team or put it in a collection "mail-box" so we can add you to the list!
If you're feeling ill, please stay at home and join our live stream, available on YouTube every Sunday morning (11:00 AM): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLylI4mB17kGampsbuZUUsw
Please NOTE: We are no longer streaming the worship at the beginning of service - the audio / visual will begin with the weekly message - normally 11 am or a bit later.
You can still keep in contact with our Facebook page:
Send us a message at contact@gtfamily.org so we can pray for you.
Looking For a Place to Give Blood?
Please contact American Red Cross to donate life saving blood by visiting https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html