Welcome to Glad Tidings Church
We Are a Community that Cares!
Our Sunday gatherings begin at 10:30 AM with Announcements, Prayer and Worship.
- KidsZone is available for children ages 4 thru12 years.
- Nursery (3 and under) facilities are available!
- Nursery is staffed on 2nd and 3rd and 5th Sundays of the month.
- Parents may use the Nursery if they stay with their child the other weeks.
Men, Remember "Men's Prayer" - the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month at the church starting at 7:00 AM! see: https://gtfamily.org/mens-min-001
Kind Hearts Pantry - September 28th from 11AM - 2PM see: https://gtfamily.org/blog-post
Ladies of GTC - Mark your calendar!
Thursday, September 19th from 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Come and join Pastora Lisa for a Women's Bible Study in the "War Room!"
Bring a Bible, something to write with and your favorite notebook/journal!
Remember to Sign-up For Family Love Feast and Fall Clean-up Day!
September 15th is Family Love Feast Day!
Sign up for a dish to pass and/or contribute to the church-supplied meats (see the "Donation Board" in the Gather Area).
See clipboard at the Hospitality Table
September 21st is Fall Clean-up Day!
Sign up at the Hospitality Table so we can plan refreshments and tasks!
It is a great way to make some friends as we get the Church ready to receive our guests and visitors!
October 19th - Vendor Fair!
Details and signups in Hospitality area.
Annual Mandatory CSAT Training!
Make sure to attend Saturday October 5, 2024 9:30 am - 11:30 am
This is for all volunteers. Please make sure to attend!
Thank you,
Pastor Eric.
Have you registered to vote?
Voting Season is rapidly approaching!
Voter registration information will be available in the Gathering Area.
Click on the image below to hear a reading of the Declaration of Independence.
Looking for other groups and activities?
- The church is open Tuesday and Thursday @ 11:30 am: come and pray in the Sanctuary from Noon to 1:00PM
- Wednesday evenings @ 6:30 PM - join us in the KidsZone room (Adults, Teens and Children welcome!)
- Join the Friday Bible Study @ 2:00 PM with Reverend Scott Justice as we study God's Word line-by-line
- YOUTH! On Friday evenings meet @ 6:30 PM (you can arrive any time after 6:00PM) - every Friday except the 4th Friday of the month.
Sharon Benson is spreading the word! Watch your email for weekly BULLETINS! Not on our email list? Call the office at 585.288.1875 or email us at contact@gtfamily.org and request to be added!
If you're feeling ill, please stay at home and join our live stream, available on YouTube every Sunday morning (10:30 AM): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLylI4mB17kGampsbuZUUsw
and you can still keep in contact with our Facebook page:
Send us a message at contact@gtfamily.org so we can pray for you.
Looking For a Place to Give Blood?
Please contact American Red Cross to donate life saving blood by visiting https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html